var countryList = [{ code: 'AF', name: 'Afghanistan' }, { code: 'AX', name: "\xC5land Islands" }, { code: 'AL', name: 'Albania', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'DZ', name: 'Algeria' }, { code: 'AS', name: 'American Samoa' }, { code: 'AD', name: 'Andorra', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'AO', name: 'Angola' }, { code: 'AI', name: 'Anguilla' }, { code: 'AQ', name: 'Antarctica' }, { code: 'AG', name: 'Antigua and Barbuda' }, { code: 'AR', name: 'Argentina' }, { code: 'AM', name: 'Armenia' }, { code: 'AW', name: 'Aruba' }, { code: 'AU', name: 'Australia', currency: 'AUD' }, { code: 'AT', name: 'Austria', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'AZ', name: 'Azerbaijan' }, { code: 'BS', name: 'Bahamas' }, { code: 'BH', name: 'Bahrain' }, { code: 'BD', name: 'Bangladesh' }, { code: 'BB', name: 'Barbados' }, { code: 'BY', name: 'Belarus' }, { code: 'BE', name: 'Belgium', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'BZ', name: 'Belize' }, { code: 'BJ', name: 'Benin' }, { code: 'BM', name: 'Bermuda' }, { code: 'BT', name: 'Bhutan' }, { code: 'BO', name: 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of' }, { code: 'BQ', name: 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba' }, { code: 'BA', name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'BW', name: 'Botswana' }, { code: 'BV', name: 'Bouvet Island' }, { code: 'BR', name: 'Brazil' }, { code: 'IO', name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory' }, { code: 'BN', name: 'Brunei Darussalam' }, { code: 'BG', name: 'Bulgaria', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'BF', name: 'Burkina Faso' }, { code: 'BI', name: 'Burundi' }, { code: 'KH', name: 'Cambodia' }, { code: 'CM', name: 'Cameroon' }, { code: 'CA', name: 'Canada', currency: 'CAD' }, { code: 'CV', name: 'Cape Verde' }, { code: 'KY', name: 'Cayman Islands' }, { code: 'CF', name: 'Central African Republic' }, { code: 'TD', name: 'Chad' }, { code: 'CL', name: 'Chile' }, { code: 'CN', name: 'China' }, { code: 'CX', name: 'Christmas Island' }, { code: 'CC', name: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands' }, { code: 'CO', name: 'Colombia' }, { code: 'KM', name: 'Comoros' }, { code: 'CG', name: 'Congo' }, { code: 'CD', name: 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' }, { code: 'CK', name: 'Cook Islands' }, { code: 'CR', name: 'Costa Rica' }, { code: 'CI', name: "C\xF4te d'Ivoire" }, { code: 'HR', name: 'Croatia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'CU', name: 'Cuba' }, { code: 'CW', name: "Cura\xE7ao" }, { code: 'CY', name: 'Cyprus', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'CZ', name: 'Czech Republic', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'DK', name: 'Denmark', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'DJ', name: 'Djibouti' }, { code: 'DM', name: 'Dominica' }, { code: 'DO', name: 'Dominican Republic' }, { code: 'EC', name: 'Ecuador' }, { code: 'EG', name: 'Egypt' }, { code: 'SV', name: 'El Salvador' }, { code: 'GQ', name: 'Equatorial Guinea' }, { code: 'ER', name: 'Eritrea' }, { code: 'EE', name: 'Estonia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'ET', name: 'Ethiopia' }, { code: 'FK', name: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' }, { code: 'FO', name: 'Faroe Islands' }, { code: 'FJ', name: 'Fiji' }, { code: 'FI', name: 'Finland', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'FR', name: 'France', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'GF', name: 'French Guiana' }, { code: 'PF', name: 'French Polynesia' }, { code: 'TF', name: 'French Southern Territories' }, { code: 'GA', name: 'Gabon' }, { code: 'GM', name: 'Gambia' }, { code: 'GE', name: 'Georgia' }, { code: 'DE', name: 'Germany', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'GH', name: 'Ghana' }, { code: 'GI', name: 'Gibraltar' }, { code: 'GR', name: 'Greece', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'GL', name: 'Greenland' }, { code: 'GD', name: 'Grenada' }, { code: 'GP', name: 'Guadeloupe' }, { code: 'GU', name: 'Guam' }, { code: 'GT', name: 'Guatemala' }, { code: 'GG', name: 'Guernsey' }, { code: 'GN', name: 'Guinea' }, { code: 'GW', name: 'Guinea-Bissau' }, { code: 'GY', name: 'Guyana' }, { code: 'HT', name: 'Haiti' }, { code: 'HM', name: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands' }, { code: 'VA', name: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'HN', name: 'Honduras' }, { code: 'HK', name: 'Hong Kong' }, { code: 'HU', name: 'Hungary', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'IS', name: 'Iceland', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'IN', name: 'India' }, { code: 'ID', name: 'Indonesia' }, { code: 'IR', name: 'Iran, Islamic Republic of' }, { code: 'IQ', name: 'Iraq' }, { code: 'IE', name: 'Ireland', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'IM', name: 'Isle of Man' }, { code: 'IL', name: 'Israel' }, { code: 'IT', name: 'Italy', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'JM', name: 'Jamaica' }, { code: 'JP', name: 'Japan' }, { code: 'JE', name: 'Jersey' }, { code: 'JO', name: 'Jordan' }, { code: 'KZ', name: 'Kazakhstan' }, { code: 'KE', name: 'Kenya' }, { code: 'KI', name: 'Kiribati' }, { code: 'KP', name: "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" }, { code: 'KR', name: 'Korea, Republic of' }, { code: 'KW', name: 'Kuwait' }, { code: 'KG', name: 'Kyrgyzstan' }, { code: 'LA', name: "Lao People's Democratic Republic" }, { code: 'LV', name: 'Latvia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'LB', name: 'Lebanon' }, { code: 'LS', name: 'Lesotho' }, { code: 'LR', name: 'Liberia' }, { code: 'LY', name: 'Libya' }, { code: 'LI', name: 'Liechtenstein', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'LT', name: 'Lithuania', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'LU', name: 'Luxembourg', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MO', name: 'Macao' }, { code: 'MK', name: 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MG', name: 'Madagascar' }, { code: 'MW', name: 'Malawi' }, { code: 'MY', name: 'Malaysia' }, { code: 'MV', name: 'Maldives' }, { code: 'ML', name: 'Mali' }, { code: 'MT', name: 'Malta', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MH', name: 'Marshall Islands' }, { code: 'MQ', name: 'Martinique' }, { code: 'MR', name: 'Mauritania' }, { code: 'MU', name: 'Mauritius' }, { code: 'YT', name: 'Mayotte' }, { code: 'MX', name: 'Mexico' }, { code: 'FM', name: 'Micronesia, Federated States of' }, { code: 'MD', name: 'Moldova, Republic of', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MC', name: 'Monaco', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MN', name: 'Mongolia' }, { code: 'ME', name: 'Montenegro', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'MS', name: 'Montserrat' }, { code: 'MA', name: 'Morocco' }, { code: 'MZ', name: 'Mozambique' }, { code: 'MM', name: 'Myanmar' }, { code: 'NA', name: 'Namibia' }, { code: 'NR', name: 'Nauru' }, { code: 'NP', name: 'Nepal' }, { code: 'NL', name: 'Netherlands', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'NC', name: 'New Caledonia' }, { code: 'NZ', name: 'New Zealand', currency: 'NZD' }, { code: 'NI', name: 'Nicaragua' }, { code: 'NE', name: 'Niger' }, { code: 'NG', name: 'Nigeria' }, { code: 'NU', name: 'Niue' }, { code: 'NF', name: 'Norfolk Island' }, { code: 'MP', name: 'Northern Mariana Islands' }, { code: 'NO', name: 'Norway', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'OM', name: 'Oman' }, { code: 'PK', name: 'Pakistan' }, { code: 'PW', name: 'Palau' }, { code: 'PS', name: 'Palestine, State of' }, { code: 'PA', name: 'Panama' }, { code: 'PG', name: 'Papua New Guinea' }, { code: 'PY', name: 'Paraguay' }, { code: 'PE', name: 'Peru' }, { code: 'PH', name: 'Philippines' }, { code: 'PN', name: 'Pitcairn' }, { code: 'PL', name: 'Poland', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'PT', name: 'Portugal', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'PR', name: 'Puerto Rico' }, { code: 'QA', name: 'Qatar' }, { code: 'RE', name: "R\xE9union" }, { code: 'RO', name: 'Romania', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'RU', name: 'Russian Federation' }, { code: 'RW', name: 'Rwanda' }, { code: 'BL', name: "Saint Barth\xE9lemy" }, { code: 'SH', name: 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha' }, { code: 'KN', name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' }, { code: 'LC', name: 'Saint Lucia' }, { code: 'MF', name: 'Saint Martin (French part)' }, { code: 'PM', name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon' }, { code: 'VC', name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' }, { code: 'WS', name: 'Samoa' }, { code: 'SM', name: 'San Marino', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'ST', name: 'Sao Tome and Principe' }, { code: 'SA', name: 'Saudi Arabia' }, { code: 'SN', name: 'Senegal' }, { code: 'RS', name: 'Serbia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'SC', name: 'Seychelles' }, { code: 'SL', name: 'Sierra Leone' }, { code: 'SG', name: 'Singapore' }, { code: 'SX', name: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)' }, { code: 'SK', name: 'Slovakia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'SI', name: 'Slovenia', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'SB', name: 'Solomon Islands' }, { code: 'SO', name: 'Somalia' }, { code: 'ZA', name: 'South Africa', currency: 'ZAR' }, { code: 'GS', name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' }, { code: 'SS', name: 'South Sudan' }, { code: 'ES', name: 'Spain', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'LK', name: 'Sri Lanka' }, { code: 'SD', name: 'Sudan' }, { code: 'SR', name: 'Suriname' }, { code: 'SJ', name: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen' }, { code: 'SZ', name: 'Swaziland' }, { code: 'SE', name: 'Sweden', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'CH', name: 'Switzerland', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'SY', name: 'Syrian Arab Republic' }, { code: 'TW', name: 'Taiwan, Province of China' }, { code: 'TJ', name: 'Tajikistan' }, { code: 'TZ', name: 'Tanzania, United Republic of' }, { code: 'TH', name: 'Thailand' }, { code: 'TL', name: 'Timor-Leste' }, { code: 'TG', name: 'Togo' }, { code: 'TK', name: 'Tokelau' }, { code: 'TO', name: 'Tonga' }, { code: 'TT', name: 'Trinidad and Tobago' }, { code: 'TN', name: 'Tunisia' }, { code: 'TR', name: 'Turkey' }, { code: 'TM', name: 'Turkmenistan' }, { code: 'TC', name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands' }, { code: 'TV', name: 'Tuvalu' }, { code: 'UG', name: 'Uganda' }, { code: 'UA', name: 'Ukraine', currency: 'EUR' }, { code: 'AE', name: 'United Arab Emirates' }, { code: 'GB', name: 'United Kingdom', currency: 'GBP' }, { code: 'US', name: 'United States', currency: 'USD' }, { code: 'UM', name: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands' }, { code: 'UY', name: 'Uruguay' }, { code: 'UZ', name: 'Uzbekistan' }, { code: 'VU', name: 'Vanuatu' }, { code: 'VE', name: 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of' }, { code: 'VN', name: 'Viet Nam' }, { code: 'VG', name: 'Virgin Islands, British' }, { code: 'VI', name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.' }, { code: 'WF', name: 'Wallis and Futuna' }, { code: 'EH', name: 'Western Sahara' }, { code: 'YE', name: 'Yemen' }, { code: 'ZM', name: 'Zambia' }, { code: 'ZW', name: 'Zimbabwe' }]; var priceList = { AUD: { prefix: '$', suffix: '', info: 'Prices in AUD, excluding GST', base: { starter: 62, silver: 370, gold: 500, platinum: 800 }, more: { starter: 62, silver: 37, gold: 16, platinum: 14 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, CAD: { prefix: '$', suffix: '', info: 'Prices in CAD, excluding GST', base: { starter: 57, silver: 320, gold: 470, platinum: 850 }, more: { starter: 57, silver: 32, gold: 20, platinum: 15 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, EUR: { prefix: '', suffix: '€', info: 'Prices in EUR, excluding any applicable taxes', base: { starter: 37, silver: 210, gold: 320, platinum: 540 }, more: { starter: 37, silver: 21, gold: 13, platinum: 10 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, GBP: { prefix: '£', suffix: '', info: 'Prices in GBP, excluding VAT', base: { starter: 36, silver: 200, gold: 300, platinum: 480 }, more: { starter: 36, silver: 20, gold: 11, platinum: 9 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, NZD: { prefix: '$', suffix: '', info: 'Prices in NZD, excluding GST', base: { starter: 62, silver: 370, gold: 500, platinum: 800 }, more: { starter: 62, silver: 37, gold: 16, platinum: 14 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, USD: { prefix: '$', suffix: '', info: 'Prices in USD, excluding Sales Tax', base: { starter: 50, silver: 260, gold: 380, platinum: 680 }, more: { starter: 50, silver: 26, gold: 14, platinum: 11 }, discount: { info: null, base: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null }, more: { starter: null, silver: null, gold: null, platinum: null } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } }, ZAR: { prefix: 'R', suffix: '*', info: 'Prices in ZAR, excluding VAT/GST', base: { starter: 466, silver: 2345, gold: 3451, platinum: 6198 }, more: { starter: 466, silver: 235, gold: 154, platinum: 127 }, discount: { info: '*For a limited time Fathom is offered at a 33% discount, for the first 12 months of new subscriptions', base: { starter: 695, silver: 3500, gold: 5150, platinum: 9250 }, more: { starter: 695, silver: 350, gold: 230, platinum: 190 } }, included: { starter: 1, silver: 10, gold: 25, platinum: 50 } } }; var debugEnabled; function debugLog(caption, message) { if (debugEnabled) { var scope = caption; if (!caption) { scope = 'LOG'; } console.log("[".concat(scope, "]"), message); } } function getParameterByName(name) { var url = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&'); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]".concat(name, "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)")); var results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } function addCalculator() { var calculator = $(calculatorSelector.appendAfter); var calculatorClass = ''; if (pagePath === alt1Path) { calculatorClass = 'class="calculator-alt1"'; } else if (pagePath === 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Pricing calculator
\n \n \n
\n ").concat(value1, "\n
\n ").concat(value2, "\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n  \n  \n \n \n \n \n  \n  \n \n
\n \n  \n
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} else { priceSelector = { starter: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(1) .pricing__price-span', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(1) .pricing__extra-company-span' }, silver: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(2) .pricing__price-span', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(2) .pricing__extra-company-span' }, gold: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(3) .pricing__price-span', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(3) .pricing__extra-company-span' }, platinum: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(4) .pricing__price-span', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(4) .pricing__extra-company-span' }, info: '.pricing__prices-info', perCompany: '' }; } calculatorSelector = { appendAfter: '.wrap.pricing__hero-bottom', headerId: 'calculator-header', rangeId: 'calculator-companies', infoId: 'calculator-info', info: { companies: 'calculator-info-companies', starterOrPlural: 'calculator-info-plural', price: 'calculator-info-price', priceAfter: 'calculator-info-price-after', priceBefore: 'calculator-info-price-before', more: 'calculator-info-more' }, text: { priceAfter: 'per month', priceBefore: '=' }, style: { bubble: '', infoCompanies: '', infoMore: '', infoPrice: '', infoRight: '' } }; switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: calculatorSelector.appendAfter = '.wrap.pricing__hero'; = '.plan_wrap .pricing__company-text'; $('.plan_wrap .grid-4').css('visibility', 'hidden'); break; case alt2Path: calculatorSelector.appendAfter = '.wrap.pricing__hero'; += 'font-size: 38px;'; += 'font-size: 38px;'; += 'padding-right: 20px;'; += 'font-size: 14px;'; += 'padding-left: 80px;'; += 'text-align: left;'; calculatorSelector.text.priceAfter = '/ month'; calculatorSelector.text.priceBefore = ''; break; } addCalculator(); switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: case alt2Path: var afterCalculator = document.getElementsByClassName('pricing__hero-deco'); if (afterCalculator.length) { afterCalculator[0].style.marginBottom = '-50px'; } break; } } $(document).ready(function () { function isVisible(selector) { var visibility = $(selector).css('visibility'); return visibility !== 'hidden'; } function setVisibility(selector) { var visible = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true; 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debugLog('force country', forceCountry); } else if (geoipResponse) { if ( { isoCode =; debugLog('geoip: try country.iso code', isoCode); } if (!isoCode && geoipResponse.registered_country) { isoCode = geoipResponse.registered_country.iso_code; debugLog('geoip: try registered_country.iso code', isoCode); } } debugLog('geoip iso code', isoCode); return isoCode; } function getCountry(isoCode) { var country; if (isoCode) { for (var i = 0; i < countryList.length; i += 1) { if (countryList[i].code === isoCode) { country = countryList[i]; break; } } } debugLog('country', country); return country; } if (pagePath === webinarsPath) { (function () { var webinarSelector = { us: '#live-webinars', au_nz: '#live-webinars', gb_za: '#live-webinars' }; function updatePage(country) { var code = country.code; if (code === 'US' || code === 'CA') { debugLog('webinar block', 'US / CA'); setVisibility(webinarSelector.au_nz, false, true); setVisibility(webinarSelector.gb_za, false, true); } else if (code === 'AU' || code === 'NZ') { debugLog('webinar block', 'AU / NZ'); setVisibility(, false, true); setVisibility(webinarSelector.gb_za, false, true); } else if (code === 'GB' || code === 'ZA') { debugLog('webinar block', 'GB / ZA'); setVisibility(, false, true); setVisibility(webinarSelector.au_nz, false, true); } else { debugLog('webinar block', 'else'); } } function processGeoip(geoip2) { debugLog(null, 'geoip loaded'); if (typeof geoip2 !== 'undefined') { if (geoipCountryEnabled) { (geoipResponse) { debugLog('geoip response', geoipResponse); updatePage(getCountry(getIsoCode(geoipResponse))); }, function (error) { debugLog('geoip error', error); }); } } } if (geoipEnabled) { loadScript(geoipScript, function () { processGeoip(geoip2); }, loadScriptTimeout, function () {}); } })(); } else { (function () { var discountSelector = { starter: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(1) .pricing__discount', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(1) .pricing__discount-more' }, silver: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(2) .pricing__discount', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(2) .pricing__discount-more' }, gold: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(3) .pricing__discount', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(3) .pricing__discount-more' }, platinum: { base: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(4) .pricing__discount', more: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(4) .pricing__discount-more' }, info: '.pricing__discount-info' }; var boxSelector = { starter: { root: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(1)' }, silver: { root: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(2)' }, gold: { root: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(3)' }, platinum: { root: '.pricing__option-wrap:nth-child(4)' } }; function debugTest(message) { var append = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true; if (debugEnabled) { var element = $('.pricing__hero-text div'); if (append) { element.html("".concat(element.html(), " ").concat(message)); } else { element.html(message); } } } function getFriendlyPlanName(plan) { return { "starter": "starter", "silver": "silver", "gold": "gold", "platinum": "platinum" } [plan] } function getPrice(country) { var defaultCurrency = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'USD'; var currency; if (country && country.currency && priceList[country.currency]) { currency = country.currency; debugLog('currency/price found', currency); } else { currency = defaultCurrency; debugLog('currency/price not found, defaults used', currency); } var price = priceList[currency]; price.currency = currency; globalPrice = price; debugLog('price', price); return price; } function formatPrice(value, price) { var extended = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; debugLog('price currency', price.currency); var prefix = price.prefix || ''; var suffix = price.suffix || ''; var extension = ''; if (extended) { extension = " ".concat(price.currency); } var formatted = "".concat(prefix).concat(value).concat(suffix).concat(extension); debugLog('formatted price', formatted); return formatted; } function getBasePrice(price, option, type, discount) { debugLog('price option', option); debugLog('price type', type); var selectedPrice; if (discount) { selectedPrice =[type][option]; } else { selectedPrice = price[type][option]; } var formatted = formatPrice(selectedPrice, price); return formatted; } function updatePrice(price, option, type, selector) { var afterPrice = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : ''; var formatted = getBasePrice(price, option, type); $(selector[option][type]).text(formatted + afterPrice); setVisibility(selector[option][type]); if ([type][option]) { var discountPrice = getBasePrice(price, option, type,; var discount = $(discountSelector[option][type]); discount.text(discountPrice);; } } function updateInfo(price, selector) { $(; setVisibility(; debugLog('discount into',; if ( { var info = $(; info.html(;; } } function updateAllPrices(price) { switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: break; default: var option = ['starter', 'silver', 'gold', 'platinum']; var type = ['base', 'more']; var afterBasePrice = ''; var afterMorePrice = ''; if (pagePath === alt2Path) { afterBasePrice = ' / month'; } afterPrice = ''; for (var o = 0; o < option.length; o += 1) { for (var t = 0; t < type.length; t += 1) { if ('base' === type[t]) { afterPrice = afterBasePrice; } else if ('more' === type[t]) { afterPrice = afterMorePrice; } updatePrice(price, option[o], type[t], priceSelector, afterPrice); } } break; } updateInfo(price, priceSelector); } function getTestPrice(companies, option) { var price = { base: globalPrice.base[option], more: globalPrice.more[option], included: globalPrice.included[option] }; debugLog('test price values', price); var test; if (companies <= price.included) { test = price.base; } else { test = price.base + price.more * (companies - price.included); } debugLog('test price', test); return test; } function getBestPlan(companies) { var testA; var testB; var price; var name; testA = getTestPrice(companies, 'starter'); testB = getTestPrice(companies, 'silver'); if (testA <= testB) { price = testA; name = 'starter'; } else { testA = testB; testB = getTestPrice(companies, 'gold'); if (testA <= testB) { price = testA; name = 'silver'; } else { testA = testB; testB = getTestPrice(companies, 'platinum'); if (testA <= testB) { price = testA; name = 'gold'; } else { price = testB; name = 'platinum'; } } } debugLog('final cheaper option', name); debugLog('final test price', price); plan = { price: price, name: name }; return plan; } function getPlanColor(plan) { switch (plan) { case 'starter': return '#4abea7'; break; case 'silver': return '#9099a9'; break; case 'gold': return '#c09d55'; break; case 'platinum': return '#0f2043'; break; } } function updateCalculator() { var companies = $("#".concat(calculatorSelector.rangeId)).val(); var starterOrPlural = 'company'; if (companies > 1) { starterOrPlural = 'companies'; } switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: $("".concat(companies, " ").concat(starterOrPlural, "")); break; default: $("#".concat(; $("#".concat(; break; } var extended = true; var perCompany = ' '; switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: case alt2Path: extended = false; $('.section.pricing__hero-deco').css('margin-bottom', '-50px'); break; } var plan = getBestPlan(companies); globalPrice.plan =; var formatted = formatPrice(plan.price, globalPrice, extended); $("#".concat(; $("#".concat(; $("#".concat(; switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: case alt2Path: if (6 <= companies) { var pricePerCompany = roundNumber(plan.price / companies, 2); var pricePerCompanyFormatted = formatPrice(pricePerCompany, globalPrice, extended); perCompany = "only ".concat(pricePerCompanyFormatted, " per company"); } $(priceSelector.perCompany).html(perCompany); break; } switch (pagePath) { case alt1Path: $(priceSelector[].base).text(formatted); var included = globalPrice.included[]; $('.plan_wrap ul.pricing__checks-list li:nth-last-child(2) .cc-80').html("".concat(included, " ").concat(starterOrPlural, " included in plan")); var priceMore = globalPrice.more[]; var priceMoreFormatted = formatPrice(priceMore, globalPrice); $(priceSelector[].more).text(priceMoreFormatted); var planColor = getPlanColor(; $(priceSelector[].base).css('color', planColor); $('.plan_wrap .pricing__name-tag').css('background-color', planColor); $('.plan_wrap .pricing__name-tag h2.pricing__plan-name').text(; $('.plan_wrap .grid-4').css('visibility', 'visible'); break; case alt2Path: if (boxSelector[] && boxSelector[].root) { debugLog('dynamic', 'darken other plans'); for (var planAvailable in boxSelector) { var filter = void 0; if (planAvailable === { debugLog('dynamic', 'focus plan ' + planAvailable); filter = 'none'; } else { debugLog('dynamic', 'hide plan ' + planAvailable); filter = 'brightness(70%)'; } $(boxSelector[planAvailable].root).css('filter', filter); } } break; } } window.updateCalculator = updateCalculator; function roundNumber(number, digits) { return (Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits); } function updatePage(geoipResponse) { if (geoipResponse === null) { var priceVisible = isVisible(priceSelector.starter.base); debugLog('prices visible', priceVisible); if (priceVisible) { debugLog('defaults', 'skipping'); return; } } updateAllPrices(getPrice(getCountry(getIsoCode(geoipResponse)))); updateCalculator(); } function processGeoip(geoip2) { debugLog(null, 'geoip loaded'); if (typeof geoip2 !== 'undefined') { if (geoipCountryEnabled) { (geoipResponse) { debugLog('geoip response', geoipResponse); updatePage(geoipResponse); }, function (error) { debugLog('geoip error', error); updatePage(null); }); } } else { updatePage(null); } } if (timeout !== null) { setTimeout(function () { debugLog('timeout', 'setting defaults'); updatePage(null); }, timeout); } if (geoipEnabled) { loadScript(geoipScript, function () { processGeoip(geoip2); }, loadScriptTimeout, function () { updatePage(null); }); } else { updatePage(null); } })(); } });